Corinna Economic Advisory
Corinna Economic Advisory Pty Ltd (ABN 16 566 805 869) is the business I founded after leaving ANZ in 2009, put into abeyance while I was working with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and resurrected after leaving there in June 2015.
In case you were wondering, ‘corinna’ is the word for thylacine or ‘Tasmanian tiger’ in the language of the Peerapper people, the original inhabitants and traditional owners of part of north-western Tasmania. It is also the name of a small hamlet on the north bank of the Pieman River, in north-western Tasmania.
I do all of my professional work (speaking engagement, boardroom advisory, commissioned report, expert witness, etc.) – other than what I do for the University of Tasmania or as part of my board responsibilities – through Corinna. If you would like to consider engaging my professional services please feel free to contact me.